Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy 4/20!

Happy holidays loyal readers! Hope your day is filled with much laughter, many friends, and tons of good things to eat. Can't figure out exactly what your munchies are calling out for? Here's a few easy ideas to feed the beast within:

-Toast with butter and cinnamon
-Nachos with Soy Chorizo
-Strawberries dipped in melted dark chocolate
-Ruffled potato chips with Helluva Good French Onion Dip
-Graham crackers with peanut butter
-Macaroni and cheese

Lastly, I would like to pay homage to what I consider to be the mother of all munchie food, the food which all other junk food tremble before, and that is:

In and Out Animal Style Fries. I cry a little inside every day that I no longer live in California and have access to this beacon of deliciousness. But if you ever in your life get a chance to eat this, The Stoned Soup Club HIGHLY recommends it.

Until next time...
SS Club

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