A very important component of the Stoned Soup Club is the wearing of aprons. I like to wear them not just when cooking, but also when doing other crafty projects. It's kind of like a uniform, and helps me psychologically: when you strap on the apron, it's business time. My original apron is a sweet little number by a designer named Jessie Steele, a.k.a. the modern day apron queen. I also have love for vintage aprons, kids' aprons with robots on them, and garments that technically aren't aprons but look like them. Much of this is owed to a former place of employment, Flirt in Brooklyn NY. They design a great line of
clothing that I'm a huge fan of because it's girly and yet sturdy enough to plow a field in. They also teach classes at their sewing studio, and know what makes a great first time sewing project? An apron.
The apron pictured above I made for Nikki from a vintage pattern and some great fabric from a company I love called Repro Depot that reproduces (not repossesses) vintage fabrics.
I have to admit, the mushroom on the pocket is one of my favorite crafty accomplishments in a long time.
Whether you're a kitchen goddess, a handy lady, or a dude who isn't ashamed to tie one on, this is my call for you to reclaim the apron! According to the stats, you'll be glad you did.
LOVELY APRON! I am with you. Reclaim the apron! I just completed my first sewing project, appropriately, an apron or as my british cohort just pointed out "a pinny." Wearing it on halloween and then it will become a permanent part of my wardrobe. Thanks for sharing.