Friday, December 18, 2009

An Ode to Aprons

I once heard a statistic that women who wear aprons have 40% more sex than women who don't. Instead of wondering where this fun fact had come from, I started thinking of possible reasons for this statistic. Theory 1 is that people who wear aprons know how to cook, and this makes them all kinds of attractive. Theory 2 is that people who wear aprons have a good sense of hygiene and aren't slobs. Theory 3 is that a well-tailored apron does great things for the waist and ooh la la (9 out of 10 French maids agree). Feel free to add your own theories to the list, but all of them add up to equal a passion for aprons, possibly fake statistics, and unproven theories.
A very important component of the Stoned Soup Club is the wearing of aprons. I like to wear them not just when cooking, but also when doing other crafty projects. It's kind of like a uniform, and helps me psychologically: when you strap on the apron, it's business time. My original apron is a sweet little number by a designer named Jessie Steele, a.k.a. the modern day apron queen. I also have love for vintage aprons, kids' aprons with robots on them, and garments that technically aren't aprons but look like them. Much of this is owed to a former place of employment, Flirt in Brooklyn NY. They design a great line of
clothing that I'm a huge fan of because it's girly and yet sturdy enough to plow a field in. They also teach classes at their sewing studio, and know what makes a great first time sewing project? An apron.
The apron pictured above I made for Nikki from a vintage pattern and some great fabric from a company I love called Repro Depot that reproduces (not repossesses) vintage fabrics.
I have to admit, the mushroom on the pocket is one of my favorite crafty accomplishments in a long time.
Whether you're a kitchen goddess, a handy lady, or a dude who isn't ashamed to tie one on, this is my call for you to reclaim the apron! According to the stats, you'll be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. LOVELY APRON! I am with you. Reclaim the apron! I just completed my first sewing project, appropriately, an apron or as my british cohort just pointed out "a pinny." Wearing it on halloween and then it will become a permanent part of my wardrobe. Thanks for sharing.
