The Stoned Soup Club has been filling the bellies of the Northampton/Brooklyn/Boston population since September 2009. Originally conceived as an idea to combat the winter blues, The Stoned Soup Club became weekly meetings that involved aprons, cooking fine vegetarian meals, and being crafty, all while under the influence. In our blog you can find veggie recipes, crafty tips, and maybe a cheesy joke thrown in for good measure. Hey, it's what we do.
Even though it is decriminalized in the good states, we are fully aware that marijuana is still not yet legal in the US of A. So, in the interest of covering our ass, we, The Stoned Soup Club, hereby declare that we do not promote the buying, selling, growing, smoking, eating, enjoying, discussing or basic knowledge at all of this wonderful plant. Nor do we condone any amateur smokers to take upon themselves the task of cooking while under its influence. Basically, just be careful, ok?